Components / Tools

Refuse-Derived Fuels

Analysis of refuse derived fuels (RDF)

Our measurement technology for the analysis of refuse-derived fuels is distributed exclusively by ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions AG.

The analysis begins with monitoring the RDF material (fluff) using process-controlled NIR measurement technology. The part mass distribution is then ascertained by means of statistical methods. The mass contents is calculated based on the specific weights of different material types when the total mass is known. The output of the material composition of the RDF mass flow is given in mass percentage. Identification of the material types in the mass flow is the prerequisite for determining its chlorine contentmoisture as well as calorific value.

Chlorine Analysis

WE RECOMMEND: The NIR spectrometer KUSTA 1.9.

By determining the unit mass distribution and calculating the percentages by weight of the different material types, it is possible to infer the share of PVC/PVDC in relation to the total quantity. An average chlorine content is applied for these two material types. The method can be used for material streams with different material compositions.

For further information, please contact ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions AG.

Determining Heating Value

WE RECOMMEND: The NIR spectrometer KUSTA 1.9.

Statistical heating values are stored in the NIR measuring system for each material type to be identified. They are calculated with the determined percentage mass contents of the different material types. The total heating value is determined in MJ/kg and transferred to the master control unit. A requirement for the calculation of the calorific value is knowledge of the total weight of the analysed material stream. For further information, please contact ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions AG.

Moisture Analysis​

WE RECOMMEND: The NIR spectrometer KUSTA 1.9.

Moisture stored in unipolar plastics is so low that it can be ignored. Therefore, moisture analysis is performed for the paper, wood and the identified plastic composites contained in the RDF material stream. Water content of the polar plastics is included when determining moisture. The analysis value is given out in mass percent. For further information, please contact ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions AG.

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12489 Berlin

+49 30 629 0790-0